Announcement: The winner of the Penny Dreadful Novella Prize
by The Penny Dreadful • February 6, 2016 • Featured Article, PD Online

The hour has come at last, we are ready to announce the winning novella. Before we do so, we would like to thank our judges Sara Baume, Paul McVeigh and Colin Barrett. It was a difficult decision choosing between our 5 excellent shortlistees but in the end it was a unanimous choice. The winner is The Hierophants by Oisín Fagan.
Oisín Fagan was born in 1991. He is from Moynalvey, Co. Meath. He went to Scoil Dara, Kilcock, and graduated in English and French from Trinity College Dublin. He has had fiction published in The Stinging Fly, New Planet Cabaret and the anthology Young Irelanders. Along with this, he has had work featured in the Irish Museum of Modern Art. His collection of stories, Hostages, is out in Autumn, 2016, with New Island Press. He is an activist with the Irish Housing Network and currently lives and works in Dublin.
So thank you again to our judges, our shortlist and everyone who entered. The Dreadful Press is excited to bring you The Hierophants, so keep your eyes here for updates.